Engaged for Climate Business Security Business knowledge
OpenPass4Climate, an impact evaluation of eco-pedagogy towards Individual and Collective Engagement through the implementation of a European Open Badges Passport for Climate and Planet.
Project progress

Engaged for Climate Business Security Business knowledge
OpenPass4Climate, an impact evaluation of eco-pedagogy towards Individual and Collective Engagement through the implementation of a European Open Badges Passport for Climate and Planet.
Project progress

Project Features
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Project will be rhythmed by multiple activities.

About Project
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OpenPass4Climate is a Cooperation Partnerships project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union under the project ID 2022-1-FR01-KA220-HED-000089354. The project is organised by five European institutions located in Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain. OpenPass4Climate aims to help HEIs recognize and acknowledge learners' commitment to climate through open badges.
Five European Institutions engaged together for climate and planet
OpenPass4Climate is an Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnerships project organised by a consortium of five European Institutions:
Project Features
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Multiplier event
Multiplier events aim to disseminate the results of OpenPass4Climate to
Transnational Project Meeting
Six on-site Transnational Project Meetings will be organized throughout the